TThis hack is courtesy of translated to Indonesian by bikinblogger. Ini sih sebenernye hack kacangan, malah gua nggak pernah mikir bakal bikin postingannya. Jadi makasih lah buat pembaca bikin blogger yang udah ngemail masalah ini tentang bagaimana ngebuang attribute nofollow di blogger ato blogspot blog.
Nofollow sendiri bukanlah sebuah tag, ini cumak sebuah attribute. Ini cumak sebuah property di links tag
[ <a href=”#” rel=”nofollow”> ]
Elu bisa ngikutin semua langkah dibawah, kalo elu berhasil, elu mau narok link gua di blogroll elu kan ? Hahah..nggak ding.. becanda ajah. Tarok kita punya link di blogroll elu kalo elu ngerasa blog ini berguna. Kalo enggak, ya lupain ajah, ngapain repot ? :)
JADI, ini langkahnya:
1. Login ke Blogger account lu.
2. Lihat ke HTML Editor di dasbor blogger.
3. Centhang Expand Widget Template
4. Temuin kode dibawah:
Ato lu bisa ngeklik CTRL+F tus paste kode diatas di search box kalo lu make Firefox. blon make Firefox ? Kampungan, dapetin gratis disini<a expr:href='data:comment.authorUrl' rel='nofollow'><></a>
5. Ilangin tuh attribute rel=’nofollow’. Ntar jadi kayak ginih
6. Save template elu<a expr:href='data:comment.authorUrl' ><></a>
7. refresh blog elu dan selesai deh!
Masih pengen ngilangin tag nofollow di backlinks elu juga ?
1. Ikutin semua langkah di atas sampe langkah nomer 3
2. Temukan kode dibawah :
3. Ilangin rel=’nofollow’. harusnya sih kayak gini jadinya :<a expr:href='data:backlink.url' rel='nofollow'><data:backlink.title/></a>
4. save template elu<a expr:href='data:backlink.url' ><data:backlink.title/></a>
5. refresh blog elu, selesai deh...
ReplyDeleteFirst let me say thanks for using one or some of my templates. Next, for your question on Missing Piece, if you could send me the XML file or link to the test page I could figure out what was up.
Next with Simplicity 2.0, the example URL you gave me is no longer using my template so I can't really tell what problems there are with it.
Last, but not least, I will take a look at the Integral XML file to see what is going on with it. Thanks again!
-Steve a.k.a Dafool
Steve my man ! It's awesome to know your vast respons, I say you are the most responsive blogger I ever know so long !
ReplyDeleteMy answer been replied to your blog bro, pls examine !
ReplyDeleteInstead of copy and pasting just save the XML file and upload it. You will have no problems than....for the most part.
As for the problems with running out of room with simplicity, just find this bit of code
h1 {
position: relative;
font-size: 30px;
color: #ffffff;
text-align: center;
padding:78px 10px 0 10px;
and change the number 78 to a lower number so you have room. As for not enough room for the title, just find this bit of code:
.post p{
margin:0 0 .75em;
and change the first 0 to 5px, 10px , 15px, or something that works out for you. The first number controls the space on the top of the paragraph body inside of a post.
As for Integral, if you wouldn't mind copy and pasting your XML file and sending me a copy via email at
tvstreamer (at) gmail (dot) com. Thanks so much!
-Steve a.k.a. Dafool
Thanks buddy !
ReplyDeleteI'll try it later and revert to you soon !
Keren tipnya, waktu itu yang ngelink tempatku cuman 500 tempat, lalu menjadi 1600. Lalu aku test pake SEO for firefox malah lebih dahsyat 83,00,000 PR 4....:-)