Sudah lama gua berencana bikin blogger template yang sudah ngedukung xml-nya si blogger, baru kali ini kesampaian. Walopun masih dari nyolong-nyolong juga tapi gak papa, namanya elmu harus dibagi. lagian gua kasih juga sumbernya kok. Kali ini template berjudul putri fir'aun gua colong dari Final Sense, soalnya ciamik-ciamik banget templatenya. Ok kaga usah berpanjang lebar, tinggal copy and paste saja kode dalam kotak dibawah ke dashbor elu, jadi deh kayak gini :

Lha ini kodenya, tinggal elu select all, copy, paste di dashbor template elu...jadi deh...!
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
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/* --- * Blogger Template Style---- * Name: Persian Girl----- *Designer: J.aghili ----- * URL: ------ * Date: March 2007 ----- */
/* Variable definitions
<Variable name="textcolor" description="Text Color"
type="color" default="#666" value="#666666">
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type="color" default="#fff" value="#ffffff">
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type="color" default="#ddb678" value="#ddb678">
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type="color" default="#ccc" value="#cccccc">
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type="color" default="#f63" value="#ff6633">
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type="color" default="#9ba5bc" value="#9ba5bc">
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type="color" default="#9ba5bc" value="#9ba5bc">
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type="color" default="#ddb678" value="#ddb678">
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type="color" default="#9ba5bc" value="#9ba5bc">
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type="color" default="#000" value="#000000">
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type="color" default="#9ba5bc" value="#9ba5bc">
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type="color" default="#9ba5bc" value="#9ba5bc">
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type="color" default="#ccc" value="#cccccc">
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type="color" default="#666" value="#666666">
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type="font" default="normal normal 82% Verdana, sans-serif" value="normal normal 82% Verdana, sans-serif">
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type="font" default="normal normal 240% 'Georgia','Times New Roman'" value="normal normal 240% 'Georgia','Times New Roman'">
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type="font" default="normal bold 110% 'Georgia','Times New Roman'" value="normal bold 110% 'Georgia','Times New Roman'">
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type="font" default="normal bold 105% 'Georgia','Times New Roman'" value="normal bold 110% 'Georgia','Times New Roman'">
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type="font" default="normal normal 80% 'Verdana','Arial'" value="normal normal 80% 'Verdana','Arial'">
/* ---( page defaults )--- */
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blockquote { margin: 0 0 0 30px; padding: 10px 0 0 20px; line-height: 1.5em; }
blockquote p { margin-top: 0; }
abbr, acronym { cursor: help; font-style: normal; }
code { color: #f63; }
hr { display: none; }
img { border: none; }
/* unordered list style */
ul { list-style: none; margin-left: 7px; padding: 0; }
li { list-style: none; padding-left: 9px; margin-bottom: 3px; }
/* links */
a:link { color: $linkcolor; text-decoration: none; }
a:visited { color: $visitedlinkcolor; text-decoration: none; }
a:hover { color: $linkhover; text-decoration: none; }
a:active { color: $visitedlinkcolor; text-decoration: none; }
/* ---( layout structure )---*/
#outer-wrapper { width: 1000px; margin: 0px auto 0; text-align: justify; }
#content-wrapper { margin-left: 0px; /* to avoid the border image */ width: 100%; }
#main { float: left; width: 475px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px 0px 0px 20px; line-height: 1.5em; word-wrap: break-word; /* fix for long text breaking sidebar float in IE */ overflow: hidden; /* fix for long non-text content breaking IE sidebar float */ }
#sidebar { float: right; width: 280px; padding-right: 200px; color: $sidebartextcolor; line-height: 1.4em; word-wrap: break-word; /* fix for long text breaking sidebar float in IE */ overflow: hidden; /* fix for long non-text content breaking IE sidebar float */ }
#center {background: #fff url('') repeat-y top left;}
/* ---( header and site name )--- */
#header-wrapper { margin: 0; }
#header { margin: 0; height:411px; width:850; color: $pagetitlecolor; background: url('') no-repeat top left; }
#header h1 { width: 550px; font: $pagetitlefont; padding: 260px 0px 0px 30px; filter: blur(Direction=330, Strength=7); text-align: left;}
#header h1 a { text-decoration: none; color: $pagetitlecolor; }
#header h1 a:hover { color: #ff6633; }
#header .description { margin:0 5px 5px; text-align: left; padding:5px; max-width:50%; text-transform:uppercase; letter-spacing:.2em; line-height: 1.4em; font: $descriptionfont; color: $descriptioncolor; }
/* ---( main column )--- */ { margin-top: 0; padding-left: 10px; font-size: 90%; color: $datecolor; }
.post h3 { margin-top: 0; font: $titlefont; color: $titlecolor; }
.post { border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd; margin-left:0; margin-right:0; margin-top:0; margin-bottom:1em; padding-left:10px; padding-right:0; padding-top:0; padding-bottom:1em }
.post h3 a {text-decoration: none;}
.post h3 a:hover { color: #369; text-decoration: none; }
.post-footer { margin: 0; padding: 0px; font-size: 88%; color:$footercolor; }
.post img { padding: 6px; border-top: 1px solid #ddd; border-left: 1px solid #cccccc; border-bottom: 1px solid #c0c0c0; border-right: 1px solid #c0c0c0; }
.feed-links { clear: both; line-height: 2.5em;}
.blog-feeds { text-align: right;}
#blog-pager-newer-link { float: left; }
#blog-pager-older-link { float: right; }
#blog-pager { text-align: center; }
/* comment styles */
#comments { padding-top: 10px; font-size: 85%; line-height: 1.5em; color: $Commentscolor; }
#comments h4 { margin: 20px 0 15px 0; padding: 8px 0 0 40px; font-family: "Lucida Grande", "Trebuchet MS"; font-size: 110%; color: $Commentscolor; height: 30px !important; /* for most browsers */ height /**/:37px; /* for IE5/Win */ }
#comments ul { margin-left: 0; }
#comments li { background: none; padding-left: 0; }
.comment-body { padding: 0 10px 0 25px; }
.comment-body p { margin-bottom: 0; }
.comment-author { margin: 4px 0 0 0; padding: 0 10px 0 60px; color: #999; }
.comment-footer { border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd; padding-bottom: 1em;}
.deleted-comment { font-style:italic; color:gray; }
/* ---( sidebar )--- */
.sidebar h2 { margin: 0 0 0 0; padding: 10px 0 0 0px; font: $sidebarheaderfont; color: $sidebarcolor; height: 32px !important; /* for most browsers */ height /**/:57px; /* for IE5/Win */ }
.sidebar .widget { margin: 0; padding: 0 0 5px 10px;}
.sidebar a {color: $sidebarlink; text-decoration: none;}
.sidebar a:hover {color: $sidebarhover; }
.sidebar li { background: 0 5px; }
.profile-textblock { clear: both; margin-left: 0;}
.profile-img { float: right; margin: 0 5px 5px 0; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding: 4px;}
/* ---( footer )--- */
.clear { /* to fix IE6 padding-top issue */ clear: both; }
#footer-wrapper { margin: 0; padding: 0 0 0 0; font-size: 85%; }
#footer { margin: 0; width: 850px; height:85px; padding: 0px; background: url('') no-repeat top left; }
/** Page structure tweaks for layout editor wireframe */
body#layout #outer-wrapper,
body#layout #main,
body#layout #sidebar { padding-top: 0; margin-top: 0;}
body#layout #outer-wrapper,body#layout #content-wrapper { width: 100%;}
body#layout #sidebar { margin-right: 0; margin-bottom: 1em; }
body#layout #header,body#layout #footer,
body#layout #main { padding: 0; }
body#layout #content-wrapper { margin: 0px; }
#navbar-iframe { height:0px; visibility:hidden; display:none }
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<!-- skip links for text browsers -->
<span id='skiplinks' style='display:none;'>
<a href='#main'>skip to main </a> |
<a href='#sidebar'>skip to sidebar</a>
<div id='header-wrapper'>
<b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets='1' showaddelement='no'>
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<b:section class='sidebar' id='sidebar' preferred='yes'>
<b:widget id='Profile1' locked='false' title='About Me' type='Profile'/>
<b:widget id='BlogArchive1' locked='false' title='Blog Archive' type='BlogArchive'/>
<!-- spacer for skins that want sidebar and main to be the same height-->
<div class='clear'> </div>
</div> <!-- end content-wrapper -->
</div> <!--end center-->
<div id='footer-wrapper'>
<b:section class='footer' id='footer'/>
</div></div> <!-- end outer-wrapper -->
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